Occupation : Tester of Toys and Human Tornado!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Granny Grumbles

Hard to believe I know but this lady is my Gran/Nan/Granny whatever.... She is loaded with fun and games, makes me laugh and has a sidekick called Grandad! Big kiss to you both X

Lifes a beach!

Ah cousin Sam.... what a guy! bit of a follower at the mo due to his age but I reckon his cuteness will see him through.... A ladies man I say, with a touch of the lady about him. Loved by all, top bloke, contendor for dance school!

One in a million

What can I say in a few words? My mum is the top dog, the bees kness the dogs.. oops! Well in a nutshell an all round good un, loves me and dad, is utterly gorgeous, and best of all, is nice to me ALL the time. Loving your work Mum. x

Aunt Emm

Top girl my Auntie Emm, here we are scoffing at the circus midway through a superb performance. Sossie rolls, pies, shots of Vino and bails of hay (in the middle of London!) - We are loving it!

Yee Haw!

Go on say the title out loud, makes you feel great. This is us down Weymouth beach and loving the manky old donkeys atop them walking the sand, wanted to stirrup the lazy gits and get some gallop going. Had to take it easy cos of cuz sam (on the right), don't want to scar him.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Round and Round and Up and Down

Ah the joy of a traditional carousel, not too fast or slow, you can sit atop a variety of carven woden animals (although as a traditionalist myself only a horse will do) and day dream that one day there'll be a Mary Poppins moment and we'll all take off for real. Excuse my look of concern in the picture but I just saw a coach from somewhere up north pull up outside the ice-cream van and I worry they'll all have large cones leaving none for me.