Occupation : Tester of Toys and Human Tornado!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fantastic Five..

Even if I do say so myself - Left to Right - Sam, Erin, Me, and Chelsie cuddlin' my little sis Megan.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Bumpedy Bump

Bumper cars at Chessington the other week, dad stood at the front of the bumper car, just to get this picture....dangerous honestly, not a great lesson for someone of my age really is it...Dad..Is It?

Horsing About

Rain soaked weekend in Weymouth did not discourage us from seeking out any fairground fun that was still in operation. We giddyed up on this video game, daddy taking it far more seriously than me...Of course!

Surrounded by Soft Toys

Hanging out on my Big Sis's bed, almost swamped by the cuddly creatures.

Mini and Medium sized Jenko's

Megan-Rose and me x

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Easter Bonnet

We had a competition at school, the entries were really impressive, some really elaborate efforts - Here's mine, kind of Country and Western egg collection hat.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Mohican Hair

My dad brought this hathome for little sis the other day, quite cool yet ridiculous at the same time. Rock on Megan, hope he's not knitting one for me!